
Friday, April 21, 2017

PCF Family Carnival 2017

Sparkle Tots held a family carnival this year at AMK-ITE again. We took the bus provided by the school to the carnival and participated in Sandwich Making Competition. This was also Cherie's last year in PCF Sparkle Tots as she will be attending primary school next year... Time really pass by so fast! Due to bad experience few years back (we almost starve to death as we reached very early but it was in great mess and sports day were held at the field of the school so we were standing under scorching hot sun), I woke up at 6am to cook fried rice and packed cookies and chocolate milk for the kids before we head out. This year the event was much better and well Organised. Overall the kids had fun and we enjoyed ourselves too. Spending time with C&C is one of our utmost priority now as we know they will grow up one day and they will lead their own life when they grow up.

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