
Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Dogs Friendly Restaurant - Ofur Paw Cafe

Cherie has been requesting to go to pancake making restaurant which we previously went (we went to two different area, one is at Grand Stand (Slappy Cakes) and the other one at Lorong Kilat)... She was requesting to go to the one at Turf City but as we know the restaurant will change to Dancing Crab during dinner hence we are not confident that by the time we reach there the pancake menu will be available hence we proceed to the one at Lorong Kilat.

It was formerly known as Nook DIY and we have been there once around one or two years ago so we almost missed out the cafe after they changed their name and theme. They have changed their name to Ofur Paw Cafe and dogs are welcome in the cafe. There are Paw's Menu available which means your pet can have a meal with you at the same time. 

The only problem I have was during our visit there was a golden retriever which is super friendly and super hungry! It ran around and ate left over from other dogs and climb up on the waitress who was holding on to plate for fur kids (they used plastic plates for fur kid and ceramicware for human). I was eating NY steak and imagine my nervousness as I'm afraid it might snatch my steak away since it has been snatching food from other fur kids plate and the owner can't stop it at all (she pull it away but it will run back when the owner is talking to her friends and it repeat multiple times).

Anyway, C&C had fun making pancakes and run around looking at the fur kids. I recommend family with dogs or don't mind to dine with dogs (I found dog hair near my tea cup). 

Location: 21 Lorong Kilat #01-03 Sun Court Singapore 598123
Website: Ofur Paw Cafe

The son is as fast as lightning~ very hard to take a decent photo of him...

If you can see the poodles (two of them), they were watching me all the way when I eat my steak... so stressful... think they are the pets of the owner as the lady who placed them in here was the one who did the cashier. The other dogs roam around freely~

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