
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Double trouble begins from Primary School

Think I was too naive to think that life will be easier with both C&C attending primary school.

The advantage of both kids attending primary school will be I don't need to run to 2 school to send/fetch them anymore. The down side is waking Cyrus up at 6:45am to 7am.... It is tough~ but manageable.

Both C&C were under my care and attend same childcare but they have totally different characteristics. Cyrus who is good in academic wise seems to be no clue in normal daily life. Cherie who is good at daily life is not as strong in academic as her brother.

The son had lost his wallet, lost his lunch box, forgot his water bottle since 2nd week of school. Luckily, he has no issue on his homework and spelling. The daughter had never lost anything and can handle her own stuff well but she came back one day and told me that she felt stressed about her Chinese homework and spelling. Now I am really considering whether to send her to tuition but I will try to see whether I can assist her first.

Well~ Shall I say having kids "spice up our life"?

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